Skyrim is by far the greatest game I've played. No other franchise is even considerably close (Fallout excluded). BUT there are tons of untouched details that I find irritating. The one I want to talk about in this thread is being the Dragonborn.
TES V seems to cater to the EVERYMAN gamer. The ROLEPLAYER is left to imagine most reasons, responses, and otherwise unfinished aspects of the game (which is also slightly empowering). There is no standard for TES to be compared to, no competition, and no one remotely close to replicating a fantasy world that is even close to Skryim.
Why would Ralof talk to a Khajit, Argonian, or elf the way he does in the wagon (GAME INTRODUCTION). Immersion is my favorite part of the game, and I think every race should be different. Very few unique dialogue options, quest options, and various other interactions occur.
What I'd like to see in the future:
1. Different starting locations for race/or styleplay.
2. Do you want to be the hero? Or do you want to mingle behind the scenes to help the hero?
3. More than one option for quests
This isn't meant to be downputting toward Skyrim whatsoever, but I thought it'd be nice to give my input. I would just like to have the option to say "What is a dragonborn?" and "Why are these dragons popping up, maybe I should investigate."
I realize I'm leaving out a mighty bulk of good reasons for this, but I prefer to keep this as short as possible.
~Baddle Mage since Morrowind