I think the point is that it is possible, as miraak did it. Why couldn't the one who defeated him do it?
Heck, like somebody else said, only one dragon is good enough in a war.
I think the point is that it is possible, as miraak did it. Why couldn't the one who defeated him do it?
Heck, like somebody else said, only one dragon is good enough in a war.
Sure, it'd be possible. More than one dragon acknowledges the LDB as thurri, so they'd follow him same as when the followed Alduin and Tiber Septim back in those days. The Blades used red dragons as mounts and there were always dragons circling White Gold Tower. It all rests on whether or not the LDB (and by extension Bethesda) would do that. Should they canonize the Last Dragonborn? If there're more yeses than noes then maybe men using dragons to go to war with mer may happen.
In a one-on one that's a no-contest. Either Dragonrend or Bend Will and the dragon would have a WTF moment. Qahnaarin indeed!
No, and you easily do some cheats and kill elewen, I did.
Oh you just put out a major spoiler, remember next time to put a spoiler box over it.
No, and you easily do some cheats and kill elewen, I did.
Oh you just put out a major spoiler, remember next time to put a spoiler box over it.