It doesn't matter good you are or how decent you are at the game, it is the level that matters, things start appearing when you get at a certain level.
It doesn't matter good you are or how decent you are at the game, it is the level that matters, things start appearing when you get at a certain level.
ha ha Oh and for the record I think I know which Draugr Deathlord you're referring to and yes it is definitely possible to kill him at level 1.
1) Get his attention
2) will until he draws his bow
3) run back through the door to avoid his arrow
4) run back in and fire an arrow at him
5) rinse and repeat until he is dead
It takes a while but it certainly is possible.
Forget the ebony bow! My level 48 PC just stumbled onto a Daedric bow (unenchanted, just plain) in loot over on Solstheim. It was during the quest
I'm severly restricting this playthrough so all upgrades have to appear in loot.
Yes but they shoot over a greater distance. That's what makes Daedric prime sniper weapons.
A Forsworn bow is another good option for early levels; easy to find, same base damage as elven and only needs the steel smithing perk.
The Forsworn is also faster than other bows in its damage range (0.875 speed).