Main skills: Archery, light armour, sneak, one-handed and alchemy
Secondary skill: smithing
Playstyle: Attempt to sneak up on the enemy, but if detecting have the ability to handle close engagements as well as full battles with archery by running and finding vantage points.
Background: Grew up in the Imperial City and was five years old when the Thalmor invaded. His father was the best archer in the legion and one of the main commanders of the Legion. When his house was destroyed in the invasion his mother was killed. As a child, he went out searching for his father in the battle only to see him stabbed in the back with an Altmer blade. He killed the elf with another blade to the back.
At the age of 18 and living with his grandparents he joined the legion and experienced much success due to his natural talent in archery. At the age of 40 he was sent to Skyrim to fight the SCs. While crossing the border his squad was ambushed by bandits. Everyone was killed in the fight but him. With his clothes torn and his documents lost he kept going only to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So that's it. Can anyone point out a weakness against any enemy?