[BRAINSTORM] Skills of the past

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:27 pm

Skills of the past are skills from previous TES games: Mysticism, Thaumaturgy, Acrobatics, Athletics, Climbing(maybe?), Short Blade, Long Blade, Axe, Blunt, Mercantile, Medium Armour, Hand-to-Hand, Unarmoured, Dodge.
How do you see these skills?
How do you think they should progress?
What their perks could do?
Should Dodge be a synergy of Athletics and Acrobatics?
What spells should be associated with Mysticism and Thaumaturgy?
How should Mercantile and Speechcraft work?

I seek answers to those and similar questions. If you feel like you can contribute to my research, leave a comment.
Thanks in advance, TvM
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Kayla Keizer
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