new bug havent seen it yet =( KEEP AN EYE OUT!

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:04 am

Ok so im a warewolf and dawnguard so I cant become a vampire.....WRONG! the 100% resist thing is apparently bugged! I dident know i had vamp till it already was past taking a potion only because when i went in the sun the message poped up! i though ohh man wtf! am i not a warewolf anymore? but no im a warewolf AND a vampire! i dident want to be a vampire so i said screw it ill just cure it grabed one of the many black soul gems i have in one of my houses and went to start the quest to my suprise I CANT START THE QUEST! no one gives me a lead or quest the dude wont talk to me about being a vampire NOTHING my guess is because im a warewolf and im not supose to be able to be a vampire it gliched but i went though the stages of vamp and though well if i have to live with it i need to feed so i dont hit stage 4 and get attacked everywhere i go! and BOOM CANT EVEN FEED!!!!!!! so i get vamp even though im a wolf and have 100% res somhow and cant get rid of it and cant feed to keep it at bay......had to reload my save that wasent the auto save i had when i first started playing thismorning LUCKLY i only lost 6 hours of play time went from lvl 61 to lvl 58 lost all the upgraded dragon armor i made and lost the dragon bones and plants i had farmed all day and lost the last 30 levels of alchamy i had done today....but its better then losing all 120 hours of play time on that dude o.O

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:21 pm

The resistance being bugged has been known forever now. Although this is the first I've heard of contacting vampirism while as a werewolf because of the bugged resistance.

But it makes sense that you can't feed. Papyrus is obviously confused, and hasn't changed the flag.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:55 am

Yes i would suggest to load a previous save too. !!!!!

And after that clear your cache too...

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Matt Fletcher
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