After many, long hours of suffering, crashes, lags, quests that won't finish, NPCs turning hostile without reason, followers disappearing, loads for all eternity, objects jumping from tables, selfish dragons who won't share their souls, a shout that should not exist and all kind of weirdness you could imagine, like the dunmer mercenary in Whiterun turning hostile towards the cow in the middle district and draugr who would start walking in slow motion without moving after being killed, I now understand this game. And I wish to share my wisdom, because I made a new game where most of these problems never happened (until now).
A new player usually begin lots of quests, talk with everyone, visit a lot of places, let the stuff he doesn't want lying around, think that the autosave is an awesome feature... and then he ends up here, to understand why his experience has gone from happiness to frustration. Well, it seems that just because this game offers a lot of possibilities doesn't mean the player should try to enjoy too much of them all at once.
After getting all the famous bugs with the Companions in my last game (Aela chasing around striking conversation, Skjor glitched in the ground in Eastmarch, Skjor back from the dead in Jorrvaskr, Purity mission locking Vilkas as my follower even without him following me, etc.), I just finished their quests without problems. I followed the main quest just to the point before the first dragon battle, so they wouldn't appear to trouble the game processing or whatever. I did everything I wanted in Whiterun and then proceeded to the Companions quests. Completed them quickly, without followers, autosaves off, stops only to sell loot. I rushed through Ysgramor's Tomb without taking anything though.
Wonderful "open world", fantastic "immersion", having to walk in the narrow path that the bugs allow you to. I guess I will have to begin the game again if I want to join the other factions, that is, if I want to play how the game was supposed to work to some extent, still with the crashes, drops in the fps, etc.
That's my message to the poor individuals like me who bought the Legendary Edition without prior knowledge of Bethesda games and their lovely issues. This is a clumsy game. It messes things up when you make it do a lot of stuff at once.