Well, sort of...
You see, since my new Nord character (my first male character, Brennus--and a zillion geek points to anyone who knows who that is without using Google or Wiki! Not to mention we should become fellow nerd pals!) is a bachelor thus far, I've been using Lydia as a nanny for my bratty kids, Sissel and Runa.
So, in addition to constantly having my followers steal her coveted, precious chair, and then torturing her while she's stuck in her little Jeffrey Dahmer-esque serial killer den (you know, you can shoot her in face till your heart's content with a crossbow or bow as long as you're sneaking, and she won't get hostile...just be careful to, you know, not kill her--assuming you give a rat's ass).
To make her new, even crazier persona more perfect, I've loaded that dresser up with all of the wine, alto wine, mead, and skooma I could muster (along with some Sleeping Tree Sap...I have about 130,000 septims...I figure Ysolda can find another source of sleazy income).
Now all I need to do is get those empty Skooma bottles from Alftand to scatter all over her floor...