Mid-range terrain quality is abnormaly low!

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:43 am

My specs: - 8GB 1666MhZ ddr3 RAM - Intel core i5 Haswell 4570, turbo boosted to 3.5GhZ - 1TB HDD - XFX HD6850 1GB GPU, slightly OC'd - 650W PSU


I play Skyrim with the following settings: 8x AA, 16x AF, Details all on 'High', with FXAA on Object fade 12 Actor fade 12 Grass fade 6 Spec fade 12 Light fade 27 Item fade 10 Distant object detail on 'High' Object detail fade unticked.


The problem.


That imgur link contains an album of the issue, circled in red. (The ticked picture is the one that it should look like, after I walk a little closer). Basically, distant terrain (and it's not even THAT distant) is very low quality and jagged, even at a short distance. After I walk a little closer, I can see it load, but when I leave the area and come back, it becomes unloaded and ugly again.

I don't have any mods that would affect distant terrain. My ini is barely tweaked, in fact I only just reinstalled Skyrim, I only have VSync and mouse acceleration disabled, and particles set to 350. These have nothing to do with it as I tried to turn them off and still got the same problem.

Graphics mods I do have installed: - Flora Overhaul Summer Edition, with a grass .ini limit of iMinGrassSize=65. - SMIM - Climates of Tamriel - Pure Waters

Not using HighRes DLC.


Any tips/tweaks/fixes you know of? I could use some help.


EDIT: I recommend zooming in on the pictures in the album to see the issue more clearly.

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Markie Mark
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:56 am

this is normal for vanilla LOD textures.



use those two at least, and then maybe also the meshes download from:


but seriously: LEETspeak? it's like you didn't expect any help to begin with.

btw: your specs should be good enough to handle the official High res DLC, if you drop your AA to 4x or switch FXAA+AA for SMAA altogether.

8x AA produces artefacts in Skyrim anyway.

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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:54 am

I wasn't "Leet Speaking". When I tried to post the link it says I dont have permission to post links, couldnt be bothered to upload 6 files as attachments, so I just changed the com suffix.

I use EDT1, 1024 Grass setting. I cant use EDT2 as it conflicts with the summer edition on UFO.

Also, what is SMAA? Never heard of it.

Thanks for advice.

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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:43 am

in this case you might want to aks Vurt to improve his LOD textures.

usually you just need to put a space somewhere before the com to get the link posted, no need to fiddle around with much more.

SMAA is a post processing AA method, that is much better than FXAA, but still around as fast as 2x AA. quality does suffer a bit though, though i personally find it does suffice. google is your friend

anyway, i think EDT1 should make a big difference already, how is your experience with it? did it solve your problem?

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Janine Rose
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:29 am

i installed those 4 core files and set my AF and AA to x0, AA was good but having 0 AF made close textures blurry.

I put AF back to 16 and left aa at 0 and I honestly do not see much difference in fps or AA/AF

maybe i did something wrong?

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:35 am

AF has little performace impact. but if you see no difference between AA 8 and 0 that probably means your fps is capped at your screens refresh rate already. time for the high res DLC.

but ho does your distant terrain look now? better?

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Alexx Peace
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