Fluctuation of Default Graphic Settings

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:14 am

Every so often my default graphics settings will switch between medium and high. These fluctuations cause my fps suffer greatly; sending my interiors fps to go from 60fps to 30fps and my exteriors to go from 50fps to ~20fps. Has anyone else had this problem and could offer any solution. Also, this happens regardless of how many mods are active, how I launch Skyrim, what settings/resolution I change to afterwards. Even playing on Low the fps won't go above 30fps.

Additional Information

Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5800 Series

CPU: Intel Core i7 Q720 @ 1.60GHz

RAM: 8Gb

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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:57 pm

What if you disable all your mod's and start a new character ???? (reverting all ati CCC properties at default state and disabling AA, AF and A.I.)

btw have you the latest laptop drivers for your laptop ???

If you have DLC's have you all unofficial patches installed ???

after that can you verify the Game Cache Files ???


Have you any antivirus installed or any other programs that can interfere with your game ???

Have you tried to restart Steam in Offline Mode ???

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Shae Munro
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:58 am



What if you disable all your mod's and start a new character ???? (reverting all ati CCC properties at default state and disabling AA, AF and A.I.)

>>Yes, Several new characters with a clean load order and with my normal load order with mods. Still only getting less than 30fps.

btw have you the latest laptop drivers for your laptop ???

>>Yes, all drivers for my laptop have been installed from their respected websites.

If you have DLC's have you all unofficial patches installed ???

>>Yes, all patches are installed. Regardless of weather I run Skyrim with or without all them It still won't go above 30fps.

after that can you verify the Game Cache Files ???

>>Yes, all files have been verified.

Have you any antivirus installed or any other programs that can interfere with your game ???

>>Nothing, only programs open while I play is Fraps, Steam, and OS related items.

Have you tried to restart Steam in Offline Mode ???

>>Yes, either way it runs under 30fps and doesn't effect whether my default is High or Medium


I do have something new I have discovered. There may be a correlation between my maximum fps and my RAM. I noticed just now that when I had over 2k free RAM Skyrim detected my Default as High, but earlier I had 1.2k RAM free and it said only Medium. The last time before now that it said High was a couple of days ago when I had about 1.8k RAM free; didn't think much of it at the time.

Would you happen to know how to intentionally manipulate RAM as I would like to further test this hypothesis?

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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:00 am

How you noticed that with which program - and what you mean 2k ???

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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:39 pm


Task Manager's Performance tab. In the Physical Memory section you have





Also I'm running Win 7 x64.

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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:20 pm

Yeah, i know that. !!!!! lol (you could say Task Manager Performance tab in the first place...lol)

btw. you can download this: Skyrim Performance Monitor (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6491/?)

and see in real time what memory you really use.

Read the instructions carefully !!!! - GOOD LUCK !!! :D

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