Aela the Huntress bug.

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:23 am

Okay well, I started a new character and got married to Aela. The problem is when I ask her to follow me she will keep starting dialog with me and I can't stop it. I have cleared my bounty, I tried to leave her at home and them come back, but she won't stop starting dialog! I have thu'um her off a cliff, shot her from afar, made the greybeards attack her, I know she doesn't die but you know, got to try everything right? Does anyone have any idea of what I could do?
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:28 am

I don't know if that works in your case....

Aela continuously attempts to initiate dialogue.

  • Solution: Recruit her, go outside, dismiss her, wait one hour, and then recruit her again.


btw. if you complete the "Totems of Hircine" quest (after becoming Harbinger of The Companions).

The questline revolves around recovering three distinct totems from three different dungeons. The quests are available only through Aela the Huntress.

(And after this i thing she can die...) (....don't dare to kill her anyway....what kind of husband are you ???? :verymad:) LOL

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