Ideas for a blackreachesqe player home?

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:14 pm

Simple question really, I hope anyway.

Now ive had this idea since before the ck was even announced an is one of the main reasons i got the game on pc an why i installed the ck.

An that idea was to build a player home within blackreach attached to the ceiling an have various tunnels that would take you to various places across skyrim kinda like black reach does now but unlocking each tunnel would require doing a high level mini quest an fighting a boss level dungeon which the tunnel would be part off.

Now ill still need help with the quest building but for now im just more interested in what kind of style i should make the home but i do know that im going to have one tunnel t empty out into markath im just deciding where in markath ill want it sine i plan on making markath the quest start when i get round to it.

Now i know i want it to feel like its always been their but i dont know off that many buildings that would feel right besides dwemer but dwemer looks too cold for a home if it was just a dungeon then id be fine with dwemer, Since its not though dwemer just wouldnt feel right an i'll only resort to moving the home above ground as a last resort.

Which i really dont want to do as ive not seen that many subterranean homes an at some point im going to want to release it so i want to make it as unique as possible but also lore friendly with a few added secrets that would alternate depending on who you choose to help in the civil war if you choose a side that is an also your alignment towards good or bad depending on factions an your crimes.

Thats if its even possible to implement that either way thats something ill also need help with when the time comes and ill also have other actions decide certain outcomes along the way aswell such as if you do the dragon rising quest an unlock so many shouts then one of the dungeon bosses would be two or three dragons an if not then it would be two or three dwemer centurions or other boss.

Anyway as you can tell i got a lot of ideas for an amateur with the ck one last thing i also plan on having unique followers too that will alter the way certain factions look an react too you if you have never met them before.

For example if i chose one of the followers to be forsworn an you had never been to markath or anywhere in the reach then markath would be hostile from the start an all quests to do with markath would become quests for the forsworn so instead of entering markath an seeing the assassination you would instead have to commit it instead an the follow up quests would revolve around the forsworn taking markath.

The other side quests may stay the same like molag bals an locating the lost legion which id leave but other quests would change mind you thats if i do that after all if i was to go through with the entire idea id pretty much need to change everything from the mq to civil war an even dawnguard an dragonborn.

Which is way too much considering all i want too do is make a player home.

An yes i know im bleeding crazy.

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Chad Holloway
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