SendModEvent stopped working. (wsample scripts)

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:08 pm

I need some help.

I've been using SendModEvent and RegisterForModEvent without problems. And then suddenly it seems to have stopped working. Clearly, I must have changed something, but I can't see it. Debug statements show that the registration happens and the event gets sent. It's just that the handler event never gets called.

So I created a test script to see how it should work. That didn't work either. This is what I did:

  • I created a test cell. It has a floor, a button and a duplicate of Ancarno.
  • I added a quest. The quest is start enabled and has a seq file
  • The quest has properties for the button and for the Ancarno clone
  • In the OnInit method, the quest registers for "Button_Pressed" events
  • The button has an OnActivate event handler that raises "Button_Pressed"

This is the button script

Scriptname SSG_Test_Button extends ObjectReference  Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)	string ev_name = "Button_Pressed"	debug.MessageBox("Sending event '"+ev_name+"'")	SendModEvent(ev_name)EndEvent

And this is the quest script.

Scriptname SSG_Test_Script extends Quest  Actor Property Ancarno  Auto  ObjectReference Property button  Auto  event OnInit()	string ev_name = "Button_Pressed"	debug.MessageBox("Quest: Registering for event '"+ev_name+"' from "+button)		button.RegisterForModEvent(ev_name, "OnPressButton")	; Grah! Vegetables!EndEventEvent OnPressButton()	debug.MessageBox("Quest: OnPressButton event received")	Ancarno.kill()EndEvent

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I suspect it's something basic, but I can't see it for the life of me.


I'll just add that I'm aware that mod events need to be re-registered on loading a game, but since I'm testing this all in one session that didn't seem strictly relevant. I've also tested this both by coc-ing from the menu and using LAL to start a new character. Same result both cases,


Don't you hate it when you see the problem five minutes after you ask for help?

Problem was twofold. First of all, I was writing "button.RegisterForModEvent(...)" thinking that I was asking the button to send events to the calling quest script. Turns out it's not a 1:1 relationship. Mod events are broadcast and anyone can pick them up. So what I was actually doing was registering the button to get its own events.

I did try it without the "button." as per the docs, but that didn't work. Reason for that is that I had the wrong args on the event callback so the call was failing.

Problems corrected, I press the button and a sneering Thalmor mage dies painfully. I should be able to make my mod work again, now.

Thanks for listening :wink:


Anyone know how to add "(Solved)" to the title? I don't seem to be able to edit the subject line.

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