Xbox Freezing Problems

Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:35 am

Every once in a while I've been having the problem of my Xbox just freezing. Last weekend I was play Skyrim: Legendary Edition and I left my hard drive somewhere else. So I went out and bought a 50BG flash drive. I set it up as an Xbox device and installed Skyrim Lethen when I started a new character, the moment Alduin lands in Helgen and breathes fire at a boy. The game freezes. I'm pretty sure that a 50GB memory device and an Xbox 360 ELITE has the ability to play Skyrim Legendary Edition. So I restarted my Xbox, and then it did the exact same thing again... and again. Eventually I got it to work by putting in another 10GB flash drive (this one I just configured to the Xbox and didn't download anything on. The game, from that point on worked just fine. I was wondering if the freezing was just my Xbox, the game, or the memory device. Every now and then, the game will just freeze when I have my hard drive in my Xbox. Again, just wondering if the freezing is my Xbox, Skyrim, or my save device.

Also, if you have any tips so I can make the game and my Xbox NOT freeze, that will be very helpful!


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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:16 pm

the consistency probably had something to do with your memory device. Skyrim freezing every once and a while with your hard drive installed is just normal for Skyrim on Xbox.

Clearing your system cache, disabling all auto save options and instead saving manually often and cleaning up weapons, shields and other items that fall off of npcs or are dropped by you and storing them in containers or back on dead bodies can help lessen the frequency of freezing and stuttering.

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Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:49 am

Thanks! I'll will make sure to try that!


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