Character Build: Transmuter
This will be an attempt to make a character themed around alchemy, enchanting, and alteration magic. He'll use his poisons, alchemical bombs (from a mod), staves, scrolls, limited weapons/weapon skills, and limited magic to master his circumstances.
This is not an attempt at making the "OMG most powererful character ever" build and I'll be playing on Master difficulty level. The Community Uncapper will be used to allow "class skills" to rise above 100 and to limit miscellaneous skills to 50.
Name: Sondil
Race: High Elf
Class: Transmuter
Background: Sondil was apprenticed to a transmuter in the Summerset Isles at a young age. Unfortunately his master seldom taught him anything anything of use and he was in reality a servant at best, at times more akin to a slave.
And so it was that he decided to strike out on his own and seek his fortune far from his master. His master's notes had vague references of ancient dragon burial sites in Skyrim and so he thought to conduct some field research at one of these sites if he could locate one.
Alas, as he was attempting to cross the border zealous imperial troops captured him near a camp of what was apparently a group of rebels. Though he was armed with only a dagger he used for cutting herbs and a backpack full of research supplies and rations his protests of being innocent fell on deaf ears and he was loaded in a wagon bound to share the rebels' fate.
Transmuters are sages who study and transform themselves and the world around them through alchemy, enchanting, and alteration magic. They brave the dangerous wilds and venture into the depths of caves and ancient crypts to seek rare ingredients and forgotten knowledge. The most accomplished transmuters move cautiously when conducting their field research and their stealth can rival that of the most accomplished assassin.
Don't mistake a transmuter as a helpless bookworm when it comes to combat. They strike from the shadows, wield powerful alchemical bombs, deadly poisons, staves, scrolls, and even magic to overcome their foes.
Their focus on alchemy, enchanting, and alteration magic means that transmuters have no time for extensive training in other schools of magic or martial arts.
Some transmuters chose to wear robes but others go lightly armored. In combat Transmuters are skilled with the daggers they use to harvest alchemical supplies, but have also been known to wield staffs, bows, and throwing knives.
Primary Skill: (caps at skill level 300)
Core Skills: (cap at skill level 200)
Secondary Skills: (cap at skill level 100)
Sneak (No backstab perks)
Light Armor
One Handed: Daggers and one handed staffs only, no dual wielding
Blocking: (with allowed weapons only, no shields allowed)
Miscellaneous skills: These consist of all other skills not excluded and cap at skill level 50.
Archery: Any bow is allowed, throwing weapons are limited to throwing knives
Two handed weapons are restricted to staffs and quarterstaffs.
Smithing: No perks allowed. Capped at starting value.
Heavy Armor not allowed:Capped at starting value.
Alchemy mods used:
Prosperous Alchemist
Learn Alchemy from recipes
Combine potions
Field Alchemy
Throwing Weapons Redux
Farm Everywhere
Big Book of Alchemy V2