Skyrim Has Stopped Working!

Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:51 pm

I was playing skyrim, then I fast traveled to my Lakeview Manor then the game crashed and then the error message "Skyrim has stopped working a problem has caused the program to close windows will notify you if there is a solution etc." I have all the DLCs installed and no mods installed. Also I do not think that my drivers are causing this because I recently updated them. Also just Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas are the only games that crashed in all the games I have. What is the problem?

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Saul C
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Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:49 am

I'm not too good with the technical side, BUT someone is probably going to ask you to do this so I shall first.

Go to the start menu on your PC and type "Dxdiag" in the search box and "run" it. Click "Save all information" then copy and paste what's in that box onto this topic - that'll help people work out if it may be one of your components.

I also know that Skyrim tends to be quite buggy in the vanilla version. If you don't want to use mods, I would suggest ONLY| using the Unofficial Patches, as these fixed a lot (if not all) of the crashes for me.

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Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:43 pm

Yeah, have you all unofficial patches installed ??? - and if you have mods try to disable them, if the game don't crash anymore propably it's mod related.

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Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:23 am

Is it crashing every time that you fast travel to Lakeview Manor or is it crashing at random?

If you are only seldomly crashing then just chalk it up to open ended games being more unstable than linear games. Unload unneeded applications from memory (RAM) so you have as much as possible.

How much RAM do you have? Also please do post a dxdiag.

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