I am trying to make a vampire turn into a skeleton when they are fed on by a werewolf while some effect shaders play and criticalstages are set. In my other thread here, some people helped me work out how to even get werewolves the ability to feed on vampires. I have that working now, and I am experimenting with ways to apply the resulting effects on the vampire corpse. The lines in question of my script basically go like this:
Event OnEffectStart ...
Now, in testing this and spawning say, 4 blooded vampires, when I kill the first vampire, this works admirably - the shaders (not listed in the script snippet above) play wonderfully, the magic effect executes, and the vampire jerks alive momentarily and then mutters a death vocal as they are thrown back, and, the next thing you know, it is a skeleton in the same position as the vampire. However, if I kill a second vampire of the same type, say, another "blooded" vampire, this vampire will not transform into a skeleton when they die again. What's worse, if I spawn more blooded skeletons to fight, now skeletons with vampire voices and powers appear.
If I move to another cell, the blooded vampires appear in human form again, but again, only the first one will transform into a skeleton when the script is triggered.
Is this the limit of the "SetRace" command?
If so, does anyone know a way I can use one of the skeleton "objects" from the game with a placeatme command for the vampire when the script is triggered instead of actually turning the vampire into a skeleton? I have tried adding "ObjectReference property Skeleton auto" and then setting the property to be a ribcage clutter object from somewhere in the world, but it's not appearing at the end of the script.
Vampire.PlaceAtMe(Skeleton Part) Property /meshes/clutter/skullfull , etc... ( Does anyone know the mesh name for a full bloody skeleton object, and how I can script it to appear where the vampire died?
edit: I mean bloody literally. Like, "bloody", in the literal sense, covered in blood.