Wow, I played this game multiple times, and never noticed this amazing add on somehow!! I just got it last week! Its been 2.5 years since it came out, and there are so many cool things with it, over 200 new things. Its worth every penny, and its only like $3. maybe the best add on if you consider price for punch, but im having issues with a few of the weapons not spawning at shops to buy, ive tried many many times. I wont say the names of them, I guess that might be a spoiler, but I guess if its just a name whats the difference, it doesnt reveal the story or even say what the gun does. but heres the ones ive tried so many times to go get and no go.
1. The SMitty Special ( Available at Gun Runners under certain circumstances, and the circumstances im in thats where its supposed to be available)
2.The Gehenna (also at Gunrunners) which I saw once there but didnt buy and havent seen since
3. Cleansing Flame , Again sold by Vendortron , WHys he holding out!
Theres about 6 others i want, and probably 12 total, luckily the ones i really wanted were there, but what gives? Anyone?