Armor, Clothing , Weapon , Spell - Combinations

Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:17 pm

What the title says - whats your favorite combos and gear to use or that you have used in the past?
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:52 am

It depends on my character. If it's a Mage, I usually go with Master Robes of X school, plus gloves, boots and head gear with no AR. I've use Miraak's attire on my last Mage and it was BOSS.

If I'm playing a Rogue, I will go with something like TG Guildmaster Armor, or Nightingale, or DB Ancient Armour... I'm not a big fan of mixing pieces, so I stick with full sets.

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Nicole M
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Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:54 pm

I just stick with matching armor sets. I prefer my Stalhrim and Dragonbone weapons.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:06 am

Weapons and armour:

Two legendary chaos enchanted scimitars
Fortify health and Magic regen Alik'r hood
Fortify stamina and Alteration Hammerfell garb
Fortify one-handed and magic regen Redguard boots
Fortify one-handed and magic regen ebony gauntlets


Mass paralysis


Sneak around for a while using invisibility and sneak quickly jumping your targets with dual scimitars and running away in to the shadows causing them to loose you. If in fact they do find you put up your dragonhide and as soon as you can activate mass paralysis and kill everyone. My level 110 Redguard uses this all the time and it works on almost every enemy on adept. Always have dragonhide ready incase you're jumped. Without you'll be slaughtered.
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Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:17 pm

I like heavy armor and 2 handed weapons. Dragonbone armor looks pretty sweet, but I like orcish as well. I wear them without helmets though....a lot of the helmets look silly in my opinion(that isn't limited to heavy armor either)

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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:33 am

My Breton mage / Nightblade who is high magicka and low stamina wears enchanted clothes or enchanted robes. For protection he uses alteration (mages armor) or wards.
Bound weapons or destruction as the primary means of attack. But will also conjur allies or set destruction traps.

as a nightblade he uses muffle & invisible and castes a bound dagger or bound bow for sneak killings.

I also have a Nord who is high stamina and low stamina and is like a Man-at-arms / Teutonic Knight build who uses 2h and heavy armor who dresses in uses full ebony.

I then have an Imperial spellsword who is a mix of stamina and magicka who uses one handed and block in light armor (Dragonscale or light Dawnguard with a hood). He is high in restoration and destruction as well as one-handed and block.
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