Please refrain from posting spoilers, that's why I'm posting this thread in non-spoiler section.
I do not need others to make a decision for me. As I am unfamiliar with lore, I would like to know more about both factions pre-game history before making a decision for RP purpose.
I commend Bethesda for introducing choices in their game for the first time really, but it bothers me that there are so little information available, effectively making the choice a simple question of which of two characters General Talius and Ulfric Stormcloak you favour because there are no other considerations to take into account.
Could you provide inputs WITHOUT resorting to any meta-game information or post-tutorial(after Helgan incident) events?
My understanding of the situation are....
1. I know Stormcloaks are discriminatory towards non-nords.
2. The empire considers Thalmor an enemy. It means if the rebellion is dealt with, the empire can concentrate on opposing Thalmor, and in the end, if they achieve the victory, Talos warship will likely be allowed once again, which makes one of two causes of Stormcloak(independence, Talos warship) moot.
3. I don't think the Stormcloak is strong enough to fight Thalmor on its own even if it wins the war. On the other hand, the empire will be able to match Thalmor in terms of strength if they win the war.
4. Ulfric is a stronger leader than Elisif(?), but driven by more personal greed for power than thoughts for the people of Skyrim
5. My character is a nord, he wants an independent kingdom in Skyrim, but he has political insights and understands the above facts. He is generally a good guy who wants the situation to imrpove for the people of Skyrim, but also power-driven and when considering which sides to join, his potential position and influence within each faction matters a lot.
It means he prefers a puppet ruler if he can pull the string, but it applies to the neither of these cases because Ulfric is too strong a character to be swayed and Elisif will be under Talius' influence.
While he views that siding with the empire has a greater chance against Thalmor, he is worried that the empire will effectively nullify the independence of Skyrim and extort its people for war preparations once they won the civil war. They are only nice to Skyrim(and other races) because they need to win the war. On the other hand, He doesn't think Ulfric's policy or attitude will change much once he wins the war.
What inputs could you provide, and with the aforementioned info, which side do you think my character should take?