modding teams: how do you work on the mod together

Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:14 am

Hey I want to create a small companion mod / quest mod that involves 2 companions. However I want to have a small team.

Is there a way to be able to work on a mod together over multiple stations so you can see eachothers updates in real time or atleast so when one person chnages the environment it doesn't erase all the scripting the other had before on said environment.

Hopefully this makes sense, basically what's the best way to make a mod with multiple people

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alicia hillier
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:12 am

You can't do it in real-time, you'll have to send each other plugin files (and models, and textures and whatever there is in the mod) each time you want others to see your updates.

The best way is to make a Skype chat room with people you're working with and set up a sharing Drop Box folder with them. :P

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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:38 am

Best thing to do would be to use something like Dropbox, and include a Version Control Document. Each team member can check out the mod, but if there is not a check out mechanism with drop box, then the Version Control Doc will have to be used to let people know it is checked out or being worked on.

You might try Doc Manager, but that requires a Server.

Also, you can divvy up the tasks, one person works on one element. Typically, there are people who are better at scripting, some are better at the graphics or building a world space. So, that is another way to keep toes from being stepped on.

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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:17 am

I suppose the trick is to make sure that its all one plugin from the get go, not make little plugins that rely with eachother

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claire ley
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Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:41 pm

Hit the nail right on the head with the Dropbox solution. It's a fantastic way to keep everybody's master file constantly up to date without any extra work thanks to the automatic syncing and Explorer integration.

As far as task divvying goes, Jhardingame and I try to be fairly lax as far as required tasks go. Everybody has an assigned duty - one person may be a weapons modeler, while another is a level designer - but we try to let them all work on what they want, unless we feel like we need to show something specific on in the various media we release. Remember, this is a hobby, not a job, so pushing too many deadlines onto team members can sometimes come back to bite you.

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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:47 am

With dropbox however , if someone updates while your working on another side of the mod, when you load the updated mod, don't you lose the progress you made?

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Russell Davies
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Post » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:22 am

That will take some coordination and communication. I have not used Drop Box for this, but there should be some way to indicate the file is being used by someone else. If not, then name the ESPs with the version number and include description of what was done (which is what you would do in the Version Control Doc.

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