I'm a PHP Developer, so I already have most of the basics any kind of programming language requires, like logic and enough knowledge to understand syntaxes and codes. However, sometimes, specially at start, I may be a little... slow, mainly because I'm a kind of... "rusty" in programming lately.
I decided to try mod myself because I could not find THE house mod I want so badly: Logically designed, well illuminated (skyrim is too dark to me), but mainly full of Mannequins and single Weapon Plaques to satisfy my eagerness for item collection. I did find one (see below) almost perfect, but I'm extremely perfectionist and there are a couple points I would like to change but I don't have enough knowledge to do so.
My lack of knowledge to change what I would like is explainable by the maximal "As better the programmer is, worse is the designer" (I'm not aware the exact quote).
And this is where Creation Kit started... "conflicting" with me. And thus, relates itself wit the first question:
" 1. Can I create a house mod strictly using Papyrus Script Language? I mean without use Creation Kit for it?
I've seen a couple tutorials and some videos showing the almost infamous Hello World examples, coded in a normal editor (I'm very fan of Sublime Text) and even a desktop language (if Papyrus can be classified as that) is different of web languages by requiring one step furthe (compilation), I'm ok with this.
However, all of them shown strong integration with Creation Kit. I just hate code almost anything using a GUI because most of times takes more time than I would spend by coding the routines manually.
Also, part of my prejudice came by one of the IT Forums I'm moderator where pseudo-programmers using Adobe Dreamweaver for "auto-coding" for them make me (and staff collegues) nervous with monstruous spaghetti codes.
Because I'm a terrible designer and a good portion of Creation Kit is like a 3D modeling application I did not have too much success doing anything (in fact I did not do anything). Even the basic how-to in Creation Kit website (the one showing a small dungeon creation) did not make any sense to me.
My goal is take an already present house and modify it programatically. I already have a small success by changing the mod I'm linking below only through console using setPos, setAngle and markfordelete. And the results were pretty good, considering the console limitations.
But when modding the mannequins and weapon ... displayers? The limitations were too much, specially because I'm not able to delete Weapon Racks (and I really do hate them).
And I can't create AND move console-created Mannequins too.
" 2. While coding a script, do I have to start and end Skyrim game all the time?
This is not much productive, right? Well... I gave my blind shots using the mentioned videos and tutorials before post here. I installed the Sublime Package as described in Creation Kit website and then I coded a couple lines which, according with description would be enough to display a dialog box.
Coded, saved and compiled. But because I've never compiled anything I've seen no difference. What the process does? It creates another file with a different extension (usual characteristic of a compiled file). If so, where? These tiny questions were not covered by the tutorials and even stupid, for some people like me, they make a huge conceptual difference.
Reading Creation Kit Reference Guide, checking available functions trying to find one that possibly would... "trigger" my fresh new script inside the game, from console, I tried ReloadScript but nothing happened. I mean, at least with the code I tried, nothing happened.
" 3. Can I use GIT versioning control for Papyrus?
I don't see why not, it's simple plain text. Well... I'm not THE user of GIT, but it helped my PHP projects with several small things that I just can't stop using it.
But these tutorials said something about the .PCS scripts must be saved in a very specific directory of game. Sometimes I like to blow up every dirt of my computer, formatting it and no matter my efforts, all the time (it's sadly impressive) I forgot to backup something.
One of the benefits of using GIT is, obviously, store the project in the cloud with GIThub.
But even I have installed the game in a different partition, the requirement of this specific directory is an obstacle because I already have a small and sufficiently complete development environment, with all the repositories in a single place (directory).
" 3.1. Can I have my scripts in other folder?
Just to complete previous question in a separate statement.
" 4. Considering all the question raised above (and according to the answers of course) is it possible to "give me a north" towards to my objective?
The mod link I mentioned is The Museum in Steam Workshop (File ID: 77638317)