FYI, been playing a stealthy illusionist/thief which is pretty new for me, usually I have a much more direct approach. However, this PC is pretty squishy (Master difficulty, AC around 308, health 300ish, no enchanting, no smithing, alchemy is strong) so there's lots of sneaking, backstabbing, laying poison runes, and running away. It's a little slow, but it gets the job done, right?
So finally got illusion skill to 100 at level 54 and completed the ritual spell from Drevis. Thought I'd try the Mayhem spell and headed over to Karthspire (loads of forsworn and a hagraven). Man, they didn't have a chance! Around three blasts and everyone was gone except one sentinel. Amazing! Destruction magic? Forget about it. This Mayhem spell just cleared the entire area in minutes.
Decided to ratchet things up and headed over to Liar's Retreat (a very, very, hairy fight with a mix of eight or nine Falmer Sulkers, Gloomlurkers, and Shadowmasters in an enclosed space) which is always a litmus test, in my opinion, of a PC's toughness. Hit them with Mayhem three times and got most of them but a few proved immune (need better fortify illusion potions).
All together, this is an incredible spell. You can clear an entire area (if not an entire, small dungeon) in complete safety. Kinda puts the other schools' Master spells to shame.
Onto Broken Oar grotto, maybe Hag's End as well. Look out baddies of Skyrim...