Your Story

Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:35 pm

Name - Duroz

Race - Orc

Class - Necromancer

Skills - Conjuration, Destruction, Speech, Illusion

Duroz was a rogue necromancer who, after escaping Helgen, turned in the opposite direction of Hadvar (a simple means of getting by the dangers of Helgen) and found shelter within the Falkreath Watchtower. Duroz made quick work of the necromancer who had took refuge in the tower, taking his robes and boots and disposing his body off the top of the ruined tower. After spending a few days within the safety of the tower, reading the books he had "won" off of the short duel with the tower's previous inhabitant, Duroz gained a deeper knowledge of necromancy. Living off of the supplies left in the tower, Duroz had no need of any contact with the town he saw from the view of his tower. After a time, however, he knew he would have to venture out, even if it just for supplies. He spent a couple more days there, draining the tower's supplies and honing his necromancy skills on the wildlife around the tower.

Eventually, he donned some commoner's clothes, an iron dagger, a bag of small valuables for mercantile purposes anda small amount of gold.

In Falkreath, as he came to know the town by, he made a decent bit of coin from selling the valuables to the local store. He also purchased a tome said to educate him in some of the basics of Illusion magic, a school unfamiliar to Duroz yet, one he had always had a shimmer of interest in. He crossed to the opposite building, being an inn named "Dead Man's Drink". How nice.

After treating himself to some Argonian Bloodwine and Venison, he read through the tome absorbing the knowledge allowing him to influence the rage of those who were weak of will. After paying the innkeeper, he felt how light his purse was, prompting him to ask if there was any work available. Duroz didn't feel like cutting firewood for the obnoxious brother of the nord who owned the store. After receiving a bounty letter, Duroz made his way to Knifepoint Ridge. This was the perfect oppurtunity for Duroz to not only practice his necromancy on fresh corpses, but also to use his new found illusion knowledge.

Duroz remained undetected, as he turned friend on friend, raising the corpse of a Nord archer to pick off any stragglers after the chaos had died down. He turned to ash shortly after.

Duroz handed in his complete bounty to the steward in Falkreath's Jarl's longhouse. The pay was good and Duroz decided spending the night at the inn wouldn't be too folly a choice.

I started this character yesterday and I'm really loving the heavy roleplaying I am doing with him. I'd love to hear some other character stories :smile:

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Post » Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:54 am

Name: Ali Al-Ahtar
Race: Redgaurd
Class: Warrior/Assassin
Age: 37

Background: Born in Taneth, he was present during the Aldemeri invasion at the age of seven. When the Dominion took control of the city he witnessed the cruelty mer were capable of. His mother was burnt alive by three laughing Thalmor soldiers and his father who was nicknamed by the soldiers as "Bull" was also sent to Ruptga by an Aldemeri blade outside of the walls of Taneth while ripping out a wizard's eyes.

After witnessing these atrocities he was picked up by a group of freedom fighters in Taneth who knew his father and was escorted north, up to Sentinel where he lived with his wealthy uncle in the upper class district.

Even at the tender age of seven he possessed unmatched skill with a blade and at the age of sixteen was promptly drafted in to the Order of the Candle where he was trained in weapon mastery, espionage and combat skill. The Order's generals realised that he was indeed no normal talented soldier after he had passed his twenty second birthday and had yet to fail a mission or task and so was drafted in to the sword-singers where he he imbued his sword, Ra'Gada Dawn, with his power and energy and also completely mastered the art of swordsmanship.

After all his feats and years of training and meditation he was called up to be the Crown king's personal "man". Basically, an elite agent that ALWAYS completed a task the Crown King needed doing.

He was sent to Skyrim to help the Stormcloaks throw the Empire out of Skyrim so Ulfric and the CK could forge an official alliance, a job which he completed. After completeing many miscellaneous tasks for the King he stepped down from the roll with the king's blessing and went in search of Altmer blood and riches, promising to return if Hammerfell was ever in need.

Factions: Stormcloaks, Companions, Dawnguard, Dark Brotherhood (without worshipping that dead freak in the coffin) and the thieves guild.
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Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:27 pm



Bodolf Storm-Blade
Warrior- Sword n' Board
Age 26
Birthday 4E175 During the time of the Battle of the Red Ring

Midyear 12, 4E201

I was born in Cyrodiil, raised in a farm on the outskirts of Chorrol. We live out here to avoid the bandits near the cities. They've always been a problem ever since the great war, or so my father told me. My father fought in the great war, and lost his right arm to an Aldmeri blade, so I had to do most of the work. I did not mind. We storm-Blades were not shy to hard work. My mother had to treat my father's wound regularly with restoration magic. She was a priest, you see. She acted as a battle maiden, healing soldiers in the war.

Thats apparently where they met, and where they started making me at. In a tent before the battle that took his arm. The aldmeri blade was enchanted with lightning and caused him to twitch a lot with pain even to this day which is why ma has to treat him constantly. Ironic huh? A storm-blade losing his arm to a lightning blade...At least thats what pa would say. He tried not to let it get to him by joking about it. He didn't speak about the war much. I just know it has something to do with something called a Concord...or something and its why we worship Almighty Talos in the cellar. Anyway, it doesn't matter. All I need to worry about is the farm


My dad was speaking with someone in the middle of the night. He was wearing some blue armor with chainmail under the cloth. He's not an imperial soldier. He might be a nord, but he talks with a strange accent. Could he be from Skyrim? What is he doing here? I can make out some of what he's saying. Stormcloak. And something about recruiting. What is that? Another Nord clan maybe like us Storm-blades? Pa looked at my window. I think he saw me. What could that have been about?

Midyear 14

My old man said that I'm going to Skyrim! Wow, I've never been to the land before. I'm a grown man and I've never been on my own. Wait why isn't ma and pa coming? Does it have to do with that man two nights ago? He said it has something to do with a man called Uric or something Stormcloak. He says he wants me to fight for him, but before I do, I need to know the situation first, learn of the land, the war, etc. But why? Why does he want me to fight for a strange land that I've never been to?

I get that nords come from Skyrim, but I've never been there. I know ma and pa were born there, but this is my home. My mother says she doesn't want me to go. She wants me to go with the Empire and join the legion. I agree. This is where I was born. This is the land I should fight for. My dad says this is why he wants me to learn about the situation there before I pick a side. I agree that I will. Mainly because I always wanted to go on an adventure. Childish, I know but I never really had a childhood. Work work work. This is my chance. Father says he'll begin my training in combat tomorrow.

Suns Height 28

Its been over a month since my training began. How father can fight with one arm and out do me, a younger man with two is beyond my comprehension. My weapon of choice was a sword and shield. His was a greatsword. How in the world does he wield that thing with one arm? During the training my ma showed me how to do a basic healing spell and how to use the fire spell that she uses to start our fires. I dont think I'll be using the fire spell much. I do like the ability to heal my wounds though. Should come in handy on any adventures I have in Skyrim. She also showed me the basics of archery. It might come in handy if I need to go hunting for my own food out in the wilds.

Last seed 10

My training in basic combat is finally done, and we finally begin my journey to Skyrim. My father and mother say they'll take the journey up to the border, then see me off. I wonder how they plan on keeping the farm going without me. Why is it so important to father that I visit the nord homeland? And why in the world would he want me to join a band of rebels? He was an imperial soldier, he gave up his arm for them! Could it have something to do with why we worship Talos in secret?

Its been that way all my life, and I never really bothered to ask why. I asked him why he was doing this and he said he wanted me to make the decision on my own, and not based off of what he says. I tell him fine, and I promised him I'd return in a years time with a decision. Seeing his gruesome wound never really made me shy to the thought of being a soldier. Maybe its my nord blood.

Last seed 14

We reached the border, but I'm not sure what to think. We stumbled across a dead body. It was the same soldier I saw that night talking to my father about the stormcloaks. Who could have done this? Dad said we need to move quickly into Skyrim. He said he changed his mind and that he and ma are crossing the border too. But why? What is going on? He wouldn't say. He just said to start running, so I did.

Are those imperial soldiers? Why are they after us? We did nothing wrong! We've got to get out of here. Maybe father got caught with the stormcloak? That would be bad. Being caught speaking with a traitor. This is just a misunderstanding then, I don't even really plan on joining them as of yet. I'll probably join the imperials like my mother wished. Perhaps I can talk them down. Explain the situa- ma, pa!


My parents. They're dead. They were caught in a volley of arrows. Dad died instantly. Ma was mortally wounded. I wanted to heal her, but she never taught me a spell to heal others. Why did this happen? Before mother died, she gave me her amulet of Talos to protect me. I couldn't stay by her side, as arrows were flying at me. I wanted to stay with her but an arrow piercing her eye forced the issue. That image will never leave my mind.

Last Seed 16

Two days later in the 16th of Last Seed, they finally caught me in an ambush. I had been running the entire time. I can't feel my legs anymore, and I'm starving, not to mention severely dehydrated. I finally passed out, and when I woke up, I was completely surrounded with weapons pointing at me. I contemplated fighting them to the death, but an elven mage paralyzed me before the thought got too far. The soldiers say that Occulatus soldiers caught my father consorting with a stormcloak, and said we all were a family of traitors. Just what I feared. They found the talos amulet on me and said I was a stormcloak too. My father may have sympathized with them, but he did not, could not raise a blade with them, and my mother was loyal to the Empire! I was going to make up my own mind! I would have joined these bastards!

The captain said this was not proof of me being a stormcloak, and that I was wearing rags, not a blue uniform. The elf in fancy clothes traveling with them said I was a talos worshiper and he demanded that I be executed with the other stormcloak prisoners they had and die a heretics death. The captain complied. Why? Why are they listening to this elf? Were our people not once enemies? I really wish father told me more about this Great War. They began to drag me to the carriage, but I resisted. The paralysis spell had worn off. I dont know about the war and the situation in Skyrim, but if I live past my execution date, I vow to bring these elves and the Empire to its knees for what they did to my parents. I swear by almighty Talos, if I live past this day, I swear, I will kill them a-- (black out. Bodolf was knocked unconscious and dragged onto the carriage.)

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Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:52 pm

name- bralen dreloth

race- dark elf

class- mage/assassin/thief

skills- destruction, illusion, sneak, one handed, pickpocket, lock picking

Bralen Dreloth is an ex morag tong member. he left morrowind for cyrodil after the red mountain eruption. he left with his family of three, his sister, mother, and father. during this journey his sister grew very ill and died before they got to cyrodil, however the hardships did not end there. the heart broken family soon met up with a group of argonian bandits, the argonians demanded valuables or they would all be killed. bralen then prayed to malacath and attacked the argonians with a few destruction spells and his sisters lucky dagger. this was enough to scare them off. About a week later they had finally reached cyrodil, however the leader of the bandit group he attacked hunted him down to bravil. he ended up moving his parents to anvil and hopping on the next boat to skyrim to begin his new life.

however he did not account for the argonians water breathing abilities. little did he know they would try to ambush him at the border, however he felt a surge of anger and strength as he killed off everyone of them. in a few seconds all that was left was their leader alexate. He then cloaked his body in flames and finished him off, and in a matter of days stumbled upon ulfrics camp. Ulfric didn't approve but he stayed with them until they were captured by legionnaires. After escaping his death sentence with hadvar he found himself to be broke however he didnt have any source of income, so he joined the dark brotherhood, and plans to join the thieve guilds ranks after alduin is defeated.

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Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:27 pm

Race: Imperial

Class: Bard

Skills: Illusion, Alteration, One-handed Weapons, Speech, Enchanting, Smithing, Destruction, Alchemy

Leila, popularly nicknamed "the Lark," is a bard who is particularly skilled in the lute. Her life has been one of constant travel in search of adventures for new tales and songs. She has travelled all over her native Cyrodiil, and has also visited Hammerfell and High Rock. She wanted to go to Skyrim to further her education at the Bards College, famous throughout Tamriel. It also looked like a promising place for adventure!

At this point, she has been in Skyrim for over 18 months. She did indeed join the Bards College, and also the College of Winterhold--she's always been enthusiastic about education. She has traveled the length and breadth of Skyrim, but she knows she has only scratched the surface--there are many more tales to be told. She has become quite a well-known bard in Skyrim, and gained much fame and fortune from her musical talents and her thirst for exploration and adventure. She has settled down--as much as a wanderer like her could ever settle down--in a grand manor This is her base, where she returns after with Holding down the home front is her husband Vorstag, whom she met on her first tour of Markarth. Along with, he In his mercenary days, he also traveled all over Skyrim, but he now prefers the comforts of home, although sometimes he does accompany his wife on her adventures.

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Post » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:28 pm

Name: Roshia
Race: Bosmer
Class: Archer/Assassin
Birth Place: Valenwoid
Skills: Archery, One Handed, Alteration, Enchanting, Sneak, & Light Armor

Roshia was born on the 23rd of Frostfall in 3E 403 along with his twin brother Liosith the Moon Child. He and his bother were both abandon at age 9 by their father Bohlamar after their mother Ariel was killed by their father in his drunken haze. Two monthes would pass before Liosith and Roshia would stumble across an Elven Mercanary group known as the Shadow Family. The leader known as Averlie Shadows would take them in and care for them as her own. To this day Roshia still thinks about her. She taunt him how to use the shadows to his advantage, also teaching him about the arcane art and how to use enchanting and alchemy to be better prepared. Lastly she had taunt them to worship the Daedric Princes as the rest of the family did. In 3E 421 Roshia and Liosith would be sworn in to the Shadow Family and be given their first assignment; assassinate a man who had crossed the Family in the past. His name was Bohlamar. As you could imagine the two young elves jumped at the oppurtunity getting rvenge on their father by crucifying him and beating him to death. In 3E 429 while Roshia and Liosith were gone a few men who where apart of a group known as the Vigilants of Stendarr would end up raiding the camp murdering everyone but Averlie. They had her pinned on the wall "cleansing her" saying that she was tainted by evil. Their form of cleansing was to have their way with the women. When the two elves showed up the scene had caused them to fly into a rage and brutuly murdering all but one, the one who was having his way with Averlie would be left to face whatever punishment she had in store for him. Averlie would end up taking her own life due to the pain and shame she felt for allowing the men to raid the camp. She would tell Roshia and Liosith she loved them and before they could do anything she had already slit her throat. In 3E 433 Roshia and Liosith would end up assassinating Emporer Uriel Septum XII in her honor as it was her goal to do so. After succesfully assassinating him they would blame it on the Blades. Soon aftern Roshia would leave and go into a deep depression. While this happened Liosith would become the protector ofbTamriel by closing the gates of Oblivion but this is another story for another time. After 10 years of mourning and anger Roshia would come out of depression with vegence swearing to destroy the Vigilants of Stendarr. This would get the attention of one Daedric Prince known as Vearmina who would make him her champion and grant him the gift of immortality so long as Roshia continued to kill in Vearmina's name. 4E 201 On his way to Skyrim to continue his quest of vegence Roshia would be captured by Imperials proclaiming he was a Stormcloack igniting his journey to becoming the Dragonborn.

Factions: Stormcloacks, Vampires, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild & Mage College
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