Hey, guys. I was reading up on a lot of Oblivion and Skyrim forums and a lot of them seem to have people who enjoy roleplaying. I for one believe that 'roleplaying' is a very broad term that is subject to an infinite number of deep meanings. So, I was just wondering, for all of you hardcoe RPers, what, to you, is roleplaying?
For me, roleplaying is: Playing a game, knowing my limitations and having fun compensating for those weaknesses and limitations through lots of trial and error.
I loved it when I got Skyrim for the PC. Compared to Skyrim for the 360, it was like a whole new world of opprotunities! I remember the day I thought Adept was too easy. I grabbed ASIS, Deadly Dragons, Deadly Combat and a boat-load of other difficulty and Realism mods. I fired up the game with the mods installed, on Master difficulty and instantly felt like I needed to actually play a certain type of character. I couldn't rush into fights like a Warrior, as a mage. At the same time, I couldn't sit back and pick off my enemies silently or quickly if I was a tank. It was awesome! So, now I extend the question to you!