I once had the note as I returned to Whiterun after killing the first dragon at the watchtower. When no-one knew I was Dragonborn except Irileth and the guards.
But in that time, someone found out about it, wrote a note, found a courier and had it delivered as I entered the city.
Beats UPS and FedEx by miles!
I guess its one of those things better left unexplained.
Nah, M'aiq's a liar.
As was his father before him,etc,etc!
Why, it's Barbas ofcourse.
Who else?
Seriously though, I assume it's one of the Greybeards.
I'd put my money on either Arngeir or Esbern.
Why would it be the Greybeards? You can just ask them for words of power. And even then they seem hesitant.
I'd say it's Farengar.