Hi guys,
I've been playing Skyrim for a long time now, but just now I decided to kill off Commander Maro of the Penitus Oculatus in Dragon Bridge. I aquired a bounty doing it, but as soon as I exited the outpost a courier arrived with this letter.
I'm aware of your recent assault on Penitus Oculatus Agent. Rest assured I have no interest in that particular matter. I do, however, have an interest in your willingness to employ force when the need arises.
If you are able to assist me, I will gladly pay you for your troubles.
Next time you are visiting Dragon Bridge, please call on me.
Azzada Lylvieve
So I went to see Azzada's whats his face, but there were no new speech lines that would initiate a quest or anything new when I talked to him.
I searched all over the internet and can't find any information on this.
Any ideas as to what this is all about??