hello evrybody
i have completed beyond death quest.
only i never have got the shout to sumon durnhiviir so that i could learn soul tear shout.
now it has been a while since i completed this and i didnt know you should get soul tear from him.
i dont have any saved games anymore from before the quest.
is there a way to still find durnhiviir so that i can learn the shout?
i now have been walking for ages in the soul chairn havnt seen him there either
so im kinda stuck i do need that shout for a trophy
i can remember that i met him outside the building after i had fight whit him he said somthing but i kinda went fast trough that.
and for as far i can remember i never learned a shout that time i went quick out of the soul chairn and that was it.
i cant find a shout wich should summon durnhiviir in my shout list but i do have completed the quest beyond death so im confused how is that posible?
i tried going back to the bone yard entering it and then go outside of it again and durnehviir should spawn but he doesnt.
thanks dastan