Hey guys! I've been away for quite sometime due to RL stuff, but now im back . Ive been wanting to balance out the magic in skyrim for a VERY long time. I think magic in skyrim is too weak at times, and too strong at other times.
So below, I'm going to list a bunch of planned features. I would really enjoy to listen you your feedback and ideas
- Increased Magicka Regen in Combat from 33% to 66%
- Dual cost now does 175% damage, for 200% cost, with a 50% chance to stagger (with perk)
- Reduce Paralyze time from 10 seconds to 6, which also reduces the spells base cost by 40%
- Reduce Mass Paralyze time from 15 seconds to 10, which also reduces the spells base cost by 33%
- All Flesh Armors last 5 Minutes, Casting Costs remain the same.
- Flesh Armor Spells cost a "maintain" cost. While active, they reduce your total magicka slightly.
- Add new Unlock locks spell, which scales based on your alteration level.
- Add new "Feather" spell, which increases your carry weight for 5 minutes.
- Maybe add a short "blink" or teleport spell that will move the player 50 or so feet in the direction he is facing
- Slightly Decrease spell costs of Adept or higher level spells
- Re calculate master level spell costs and damage (More damage, less cost, Less cast time).
- Stagger Perk no longer has 100% chance to proc, but rather 50% chance.
- Elemental cloaks will last 5 Minutes, Casting Costs remain the same.
- Elemental cloaks provide increased damage, and reduced spell cost to said school by 20%
- Fire Cloak: Applies burning damage every second to hostiles within melee range of the mage.
- Frost Cloak: Applies a freeze effect to hostiles within melee range, slowing thier speed by 66%, and reducing thier melee damage by 25%
- Shock Cloak: Applies shock damage every second to hostiles in melee range, and has a 50% chance to stagger the attackers.
- Frost spells that slow targets, have had thier speed reduction increased to 66% from 50%.
- Change how Deep Freeze, Intense Flames, and Disintegrate perks work. Instead of the target having less than 20% health, provide a 15% chance of it proc'ing against INJURED targets
- Better Wards! Reduced cost and increase to recharge speed.
- Increase actor levels on spells by ~ 33%
- Maybe reduce spell costs slightly
- Make summons last 50-100% longer
My goal here is to mainly provide buffs to the destruction and alteration trees. With Destruction, the new Elemental cloak buffs should do just that. I believe that Frost should do the least amount of damage, but provide forms of crown control via Slows, and with the right perks, the chance to freeze targets in place for short durations of time. Fire should be the main school of damage... providing burning over time effects, And shock being most useful against other mages (for the magicka drain), and against machines / automations (who should have a weakness to shock imo).
Again, Would love to hear some feedback, and maybe some ideas on this! Please let me know.