Things Skyrim did right

Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:04 pm

We always talk about how Skyrim didn't do this, or wasn't deep into that etc etc

But what are some of the things Skyrim did right in your eyes? For me, Skyrim nailed the environment factor. The only other games that have made me stop and marvel at their environments was Mass Effect and the BioShock series. It was like playing scenery porm.

Then the radiant, never-ending quests are also great. Repeatable quests are fun for me because I can always go at something with a different angle, and the enjoyment factor never really ends if you're into that "I wanna kill mood." I also will never run out of quests, which is just great.

The Face Sculptor. I can't imagine how many times I had to re-start a character because something was just off about them. From nose, to chin length, to hair, to war paint. I liked the addition of the face sculptor because I wasn't permanently stuck having the same war-paint on my face.

Then the characters. For a game professed as a shallow ocean, it sure does bring up a lot of arguments, mainly Ulfric vs Empire arguments, but yeah you get the point. Delvin (his voice actor was great), Tullius, Brynjolf, Astrid, Jzargo, they were all fun characters to interact with, limited as it was.

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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:38 pm

Everything. The game has 0 flaws.
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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:43 pm

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:11 pm

One of my favorite features in Skyrim has to be the world events (obviously). When I go back and play Morrowind and Oblivion, there's always a point at which I break down and fast travel. Without fail.

Skyrim? In Skyrim, the world events make taking the journey on foot actually worthwhile.

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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:47 pm

The balance in skyrim is a lot better in some ways..

The mobs do level up some with you, but nothing like oblivion (they learned with the fallout games how to do it well)

They got rid of a lot of the background grindfest for making the perfect character (aka train heavy armor and repair to level armorer so you can get +5 endurance even as a mage...)

The little things that most miss are back in full force, easter eggs and little visual items (lady in the lake, placement of items/corpses and such)

The fact now it's not just playing one race but all are viable (oblivion there was mostly a few races used simply because the racials were too good)

A lot of the quests seem to be better done, if you do more than just click through the speaking parts...

Though linear, the dungeons are well done in terms of design and balance (plus reality is most would make their dungeons linear so they don't have to go through five mazes to get to the privy!)

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