If you mean... "playing out a character until their story has been told without ever falling in battle" then, yes.
... on several occasions.
I've actually been thinking of having a DID thread like the one New Vegas has would anyone be interested if I start one up
There' been a DID ongoing thread around here but I haven't Senor Cinco around lately. It wouldn't hurt for you to start up another one I'm sure. I don't play DID BTW.
Well at least someone had a DID thread if I can find his thread I'll use that as a starting point
Ultimate DID... once you die you have to throw the game away and NEVER play it again.
I believe Senor said he was leaving the forums in the last DID thread.
Anyway as to the OQ ive never done a DID character yet because theirs not a mod that will allow me to kill every mother fracker yet an when i do it will be as my Yautja hunter.
Nope. Never played a character like that. I take WAY too many risks in game to allow myself to play Dead is Dead, because most of my characters would be dead within the first hour or two. xD