How much of a hoarder are you?

Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:18 pm

Hoarding is a practice that I've thoroughly applied not only in Skyrim, but in most other games in which collecting items and materials is possible. Yes, Minecraft. I'm pointing at you. However, for no reason other than it being the most immersive, addictive, and simply fun RPG I have played to date, Skyrim has brought out the absolute worst (Or best if you're optimistic) in my hoarding practices. I've had three main characters in Skyrim, and numerous other minor ones. None of them have been able to escape the horrors of hoarding. Flowers on the side of the road? Too bad. The future generations of Skyrim won't even know what flowers are. A mine full of (mostly) useless ore that I'll never actually use? Shut up and get in my pockets. What about those alchemical ingredients scattered about that I will never use either? I'll have some of those too. Actually, scratch that. I'll have ALL of 'em. Although, to be fair, I am quite happy about collecting those since there have been countless quests that require me to collect a certain amount of ingredients. In my case, I will most likely already have them. Furthermore, I loot every body, I search every container, every sack, every barrel, end table, wardrobe, and strongbox my character lays eyes upon. I spend way too much time in caves and ruins just looking for any hidden chest or loot that I might've missed. It usually takes me an hour to finish the average dungeon. So, basically, I collect every ore, every ingredient, every potion, scroll, piece of jewelry, gem that I come across. I even collect leather strips, for no reason other than me knowing that it is something that has the potential to be useful to me in some way. Even if I will never actually use said item.

Simply put, the reason why I am creating this thread is so that all hoarders, whether they only collect a little or a lot, can have a place to share their hoarding experiences. Also, I just wanted to find out if there is anyone else that is as much of a hoarder as I am. :D

So, fellow Skyrimers, share your hoarding experiences! How much do you hoard? Where do you store it all? Do you do all that is in your power to scrutinize every corner of every dungeon to look for any hidden loot, even if you know that it'll be essentially useless to you? :tongue:

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:08 pm

I take everything.
ever since I played this game I have probably collected a minimum of 10,000 baskets, buckets, pots, pans, bowls, plates and.....
everything else
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Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:57 am

I collect skulls... :devil:

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Richard Dixon
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