Alright... I am using Rayya, who is a Redguard Housecarl from Hearthfire.. The houscarl for Lakview Terrace Homestead.. So maybe shes not susceptible to this exploit?
Edit: Id also like to add, that she is one badd-A Biotch btw! She can dual wield, and ive given her some pretty sick equipment to compliment her abilities, and they do...WELL!
-Zephyr (Bow, Dwarven, 30% increased firing rate-Legendary)
-Mehrunees' Razor (Dagger, small chance to instantly kill, Legendary)
-Valdr's Lucky Dagger (Dagger, 25% increased chance for critical hit, Legendary)
- Daedric Armor (Fully upgraded, albeit only single enchanted)
She seems to hang back, and can take a moment to catch uo to way into combat, but WOW! Ive also given her some one handed jewelry, and the armor is mainly enchanted with HP/Stam 62, and Regens! Give her some potions of Healing, and Stamina 150 and shes just godly so far.. I prefer mages, but shes filling in nice;ly while i locate ne to replace "Illia". J'zargo was worthless, and others r just too weak...Other than a helm, she wont equip light armor, so i went daedric.. Maybe ill add the "Ebony Mail" for some increased dmg output! If i remember correctly though, the ebony mail often hit civilians/guards..