Weapon charge reset - possible SkyRe issue

Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:13 am

Hi, I'm at my wit's end trying to figure this out. I use T3ndO's Skyrim Redone mod, and it's been quite fun so far. Basically, ever since I started using a Daedric Longsword, forged and enchanted by myself, it would periodically reduce my total charges on the weapon from about 50 down to 20 out of nowhere. I don't know how to test it, it just happens randomly when I'm exploring. It only seems to fix itself when I forge another whole weapon with the same enchantment, and test them one after the other. I've already re forged several times, but the issue always pops up later. I already had to forgo an extra enchantment in an effort to reduce the weapon charge cost. I always use Fiery Soul Trap, and when I used this same effect on an Ebony Broadsword there was no problem. Is there some way I can use the console to change the weapon charge cost value? I already manually set my conjuration/destruction skills to astronomically high numbers but they didn't reduce the cost of the weapon charge whatsoever. If I cannot find out how these charge values work, I'll have to uninstall the mod, which would probably screw my entire game up given the perk system and changes. I can't use 'Reduce Destruction cost' enchantments on my armour because Skyrim Redone changes this to increased Destruction damage. I've already posted this problem for several days on the Skyrim Nexus page, with no response whatsoever. PLEASE, I don't want to forgo enchanting altogether, it's always been a major part of my gameplay.

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Marcus Jordan
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