Morrowind Vampires return on Xemorah Island.

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:27 am

I spent over half a year making a very detailed mod involving the return of Morrowind vampires on a new Island, I added unique homes for all three vampire clans with the Quarra having their own battle arenas, the Aundae having a huge cave with a maze and several minions, and the Berne having a home heavily inspired by their original home in Morrowind. I spent months of my time trying to make sure each vampire base matched the attitudes of all three different vampires, from the reclusive magical aundae, to the Quarra who don't care about being subtle, to the Berne who are the only ones that can successfully hide in plain sight basically.

I also made four different versions of my mod, one intended to make sharpening weapons obsolete via making quarra/berne vampirism buff 2h/1h weapon damage a lot cause I'm upset at blacksmithing like a lot of people, and one that doesn't buff them as much for people who really like using smithing to sharpen weapons for whatever reason. There is also a version that makes the three vampire bloodlines come out at night and fight each other, but I wasn't able to make them always come inside during day time, and that might be immersion breaking, so I made a version where they stay inside their bases, and I made four different versions so people can choose whichever is to their preference.

I gave all three vampires a more powerful drain then what's in vanilla Skyrim, I gave the Berne what I think is a non-overpowered poison bite ability matching the lore of Berne vampires having poison bites, and I gave the Aundae the most powerful drain a hypnosis ability which can slowly drain multiple targets and makes all targets under level 19 frenzy, I wanted it to be lore friendly but non-overpowered- and I think it's slowness and frenzying only low level characters is balanced. My mod isn't perfect and all, though I tried to do everything I could to make my vision of Morrowind vampires in Skyrim become true, keep in mind that I don't have the best modding abilities, and that I do have time constraints.

Here's the link to the mod on the Nexus, I uploaded images there as well.

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Bethany Watkin
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