Have you tried reloading saves? Seems that might a solution to these kinds of things.
For children to be able to move to a new location they need a childrens bed with chest built in the house.
To move dead bodies, try fus-ro-dah, magelight, fireball or any other impact spell/ shout.
Here are some other bugs you might want to be aware of:
- Do not use any bookshelves, at least for unique books you treasure. Bookshelves may randomly start eating books and never give them back.
- If you have a skeever attack in your basemant, stay at the front a little and only attack those that come at you. You'll notice one hangs back and registers as non-hostile after you're done with the ones that attack you. That's Sammy. Sammy the Skeever is a harmless bug which means you bascially have a pet skeever in your basemant. Plus side is that as long as he is there there will be no other Skeever infestations.
- Mannequins may move around. This is harmless. They may also start unwantingly replicating things by creating new versions of the item you just removed from them. I found it best to just equip them once and never change their apparel.
- Workbenches will display items you have already built. This can happen any time you exit the workbench menu. Entering and exiting the menu, or entering another build menu like the cooking one at the firepit often fixes this (temporarily).
That's all I can think of right now.