[Papyrus] Adding items to item merchant lists

Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:31 am

Hey everyone, I am currently working on a mod that will need to add some new spell tomes to a merchant. I would like to do this via papyrus, this way my mod doesn't interfere with other mods that also add to the same container. My question is this... If a mod overwrites the merchants item list, will my added items still be there? If not, how would i be able to add these items to the merchants items that will be used in game? I plan to have my script running in a quest, and add the items to the container everytime the game is loaded... but to do this i need the containers ID, which i assume changes if a mod overwrites it.

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Elle H
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Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:23 am

If you're adding them in via a script and another mod removes the list then that's a yes. But if they add them directly and then your mod adds them in second, I don't see any problems with compatibility. I have a spell tomes one here for you from my mod:

Add a quest:

Scriptname YourScriptName Extends QuestLeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes25AllTheSchoolYouWant AutoLeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes50AllTheSchoolYouWant AutoLeveledItem Property LItemSpellTomes75AllTheSchoolYouWant Auto;Level 25Book Property SPELLTOMENAME Auto;Level 50;Level 75Event OnInit();Level 25	LItemSpellTomes25AllTheSchoolYouWant.AddForm(YouSpellTome,1,1);Level 50;Level 75	Debug.notification("My spells added to leveled lists") ;remove after testingEndEvent
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