I'm using the DVD ROM GOTY version and everytime it tries to install the Bloodmoon part at the end, it always gives me http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/9209/gm7e.jpg. What's going on here?
I'm using the DVD ROM GOTY version and everytime it tries to install the Bloodmoon part at the end, it always gives me http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/9209/gm7e.jpg. What's going on here?
A CRC checksum error means that the disc medium is unreadable. You can try cleaning the disc, but you may need to buy a new copy. Are there any circular scratches on the backside of the disc?
Yeah, a couple. I figured that was probably the reason. I don't know how many times I've had to keep buying this damn DVD ROM. For some reason this disk is cursed with having an affinity for scratches. Thankfully I have another unopened copy of GOTY DVD ROM. Seems like the DVD ROM version is getting harder and harder to find. I can't even find it on amazon and ebay. I found a few copies of the regular GOTY version which has the three discs.
Alrighty, thanks Níeh?ggr.