Is it because of the possibility of meeting a
Is it because of the possibility of meeting a
They're small, fast and hard to hit... unless it's Runa's pet. At that point it would be too easy.
Agreed. Killing men and mer and Argonians - all while sparing Khajiit - that's normal and perfectly fine to find fun. Add bears to the kill list, possibly sabre cats, but not wolves or foxes. Yeah...I'm very selective.
You call that taking effort? They can never be worthy prey!
Mind you, if it's a rabbit called Hazel, I'd agree. Better to kill him sooner rather than be set upon by whatever he and his other fluffy comrades let loose and entice to your location... It being Skyrim, it most certainly won't simply be one of those Irish Wolfhound look-a-likes!
Too bad we cant hunt Guar like in MORROWIND. Oh wait a minute am not sure if Hannah was a Moderator. Hmm now where has my memory gone.
Even though I don't kill rabbits even for food I think having a stat for it is cool for the hunters out there
for those of us whos characters are professional hunters
To remind you of what a bad person you are, most likely. Or as a bit of fun
I still can't bring myself to kill the bunnies. I did once, and almost came to tears ...
Rolff's latest theory?
The dark elves spies have recruited evil rabbits to spy on us!
I would prefer a decapitation stat. Disregard post if there already is. I don't check them much.
This is it. Bethesda likes to include a silly stat in their games. In Oblivion we had a "Jokes Told" stat and in Fallout 3 we had a "Pants Exploded" stat.