Elemental enchantments and other enchantments

Post » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:12 pm

In Enchanting tree, there are perks that improve Fire, Frost and Shock enchantments. However, once you purchase them, when you combine a Fire/Frost/Shock enchantments with other enchantments using Extra Effect, the second effect gets boosted too.

For example, by itself Absorb Health absorbs 10 points of health per hit. If you buy Fire Enchanter perk and create a weapon with Fire Damage and Absorb Health effects, using the same soul gems and having the same skill level, Absorb Health will now absorb 15 points of health per hit.

Is there any way to stop this from happening? That is, stop Fire/Frost/Shock enchantments with corresponding perks from buffing Extra Effects?

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