The game is basically over and Skyrim is more or less at peace. What will your dragonborn be up to years following the endgame? Many of us took very different paths that would shape the world differently. If your Dragonborn is a vampire, an elf of some sort, or a sufficiently powerful Mage this could be a pretty long time.
I'll start with my standard dragonborn:
Here's his description:
-Preferred skills:
----One Handed Weapons
----Heavy Armor
-Destroyer of the Dark Brotherhood
-Harbinger of the Companions
-Dawnguard faction
-Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold
-Champion of Hircine, Azura, and Merida
-Married Lydia
-Adopted Alesan
-Bought the property in the Dawnstar hold.
-Spared Paarthurnaax
1 year post Skyrim
Not much different. I can see him getting some recognition for his service to the empire (destroying the DB and winning the Civil War) but mostly "business as usual" (slaying Dragons, selling and enchanting weapons for money, doing mercenary work). Maybe he'll start training Alesen as an apprentice in certain crafts. Probably add to the house beyond the limits in the game and hire more Housecarls/servants from the followers. Builds statues of Talos everywhere to spite the Thalmor (who he takes out the time to slay whenever he sees one).
5 years post Skyrim
Actually settles down with Lydia and fathers a few children. The house is basically a huge fortress now and all of the Hold's housecarl's function as the "security system". Skills as a Mage have been honed (mostly enchanting and restoration however). Gives training to budding young Warriors to keep his fighting skills on point. Rebuilds Winterhold to its former glory to improve relations with the College.
20 years post Skyrim
I would say that his skills as a mage (particularly master/legendary Restoration abilities) have preserved his youth. He spends a lot of time with Paarthy, the Greybeards, and Knight-Paladin Gelebor and becomes more in touch with peace and non-violence. Mean while his children have taken over the family business in Mage/Warrior training. The fortress in the Dawnstar hold becomes comparable to castle Dawnguard.
50+ years post Skyrim
He's no longer involved in the companions and has cured himself of his Lycanthropy. His last act of violence (so he declares) was transporting himself to Hircine's realm (along side Kodlak and the summoned Harbingers of the past) to harrow the hunting grounds. Upon returning to Nirn, he declares himself committed to non-violence. He still hold's the title of being the Arch Mage of Winterhold.
What about you guys? What will your Dovahkiin be up to in the future?