How would I role-play as the leader of a Khajiit caravan? How would I get pass the limit on one companion, when caravans traditionally have two guards?
How would I role-play as the leader of a Khajiit caravan? How would I get pass the limit on one companion, when caravans traditionally have two guards?
Join an existing caravan and just follow them. Or you could be the one who goes and finds all their wares and sell it to them so you get paid in a sense. But don't go in any of the main cities as you're not aloud.
Well, I was thinking of doing it a little bit differently instead. My Khajiit, who I haven't yet decided upon a name for, traveled to Skyrim with his character. It is during the Imperial ambush that his guards and members are caught in crossfire, killed almost instantly. Because some of them tried to fight back for the deaths, the leader (my character) was arrested. The event at Helgen then happens. Afterwards, he seeks to rebuild his caravan, finding Khajiit companions across Skyrim. There are a few, I believe. My only annoyance is the limit to one companion.
I do believe that the caravans do indeed travel from city to city, but their dialogue would break the immersion of you being apart. I want to create my character's own caravan.
I don't know how would you create your own caravan without mods... Also, I think there are only 2 Khajiit followers in the game, Kharjo and J'azargo (spelling?)
I think the idea of following them and provide protection, like a guard, and finding goods while they stop in a city would work well though. You would be like a freelancer, a mercenary.
For skills, 1 or more combat skill (maybe 1 handed and archery) plus an armour type, sneak, maybe speech for RP purposes, pickpocket if you will get in the TG... I dunno, your call xD
I walked with one when they left Riften and got somewhere near Shor's Stone until I got bored. I would find it very tedious that's why I would go and find items for them, instead of following them. You could be the muscle, don't know if they'll get attacked by bandits.
One of the caravans has a quest to help one of the guards find an amulet. Afterwards, they'll follow you also. I was thinking of having Khajiit companions, alternating them every few days, and making them wait outside cities whilst I go inside.
yeah, this Khajiit guard is Kharjo, which I said in my last post xD I think only him and Jazargo (from the College of Winterhold) can be Khajiit followers.
If you're RP as a Khajiit then you can't go into the cities. The game only lets you because then you could never do the MQ but really you should refrain from going in. In the end it's up to you.
Surely though, if you had valuable information about the dragon attacks, you'd at least be allowed into Whiterun?
I mean, some Khajiit are seen in cities and whatnot.
Then it depends if you're going to be the DB. Personally I wouldn't, I'd not bother talking to the Jarl and leave dragons out of it and just focus on your caravan. It just depends on what you want out of your story and in the end it's your story so do what you want.
I usually complete "Before The Storm" and talk to the Jarl to inform him of the dragon attacks, but then stop there for the majority of my role-plays before completing the quest which triggers dragons. Would informing of dragon attacks be a reason for my character to be allowed into cities?
I swear to have seen Khajiit in cities before, so I assumed it was just the caravans? I would leave my caravan outside cities, of course.
If you play on PC, then there may very well even be a mod which marks where they are on the map.
I'll have a read later, thanks.
How many Khajiit companions are there exactly?
Only 2. One is a mage (J'zargo), and the other is a caravan warrior (Kharjo).
*sigh* I wish that the PC could join things like Caravans, bandit clans, Penitus, etc.
I've been messing with some of these builds, and I think they're mostly useable if you want a caravaner. It's #5 on the list.
I'm going to do a Commoner, myself.
That would be one of the few features I wish would've been added.
I thought there was one more, no?
Khajiit aren't known to hire foreigners into their caravans, are they?
It's times like these I wish I was playing on the PC for mods, but I am not and cannot install mods as a consequence.
How would I role-play it then, with only one other guy - instead of the traditional two?