I just want to share the solution I found when experiencing CTD around certain outside areas. In my case, I started getting CTD in Dragon Bridge after updating my GTX 680 to Nvidia 320.49 driver. Reverting back to 314.22 made the problem go away but I still would get random CTD here and there while moving about. Something is not right here and I would like to use the latest drivers so I started looking for hardware issues.
I used Skyrim Performance Monitor and noticed right away that when I'm in Dragon Bridge the GPU load goes way up. The CTD occurred when my GPU temperature is in the high 70's degree C.
I fixed this problem by downloading EVGA Precision X application and setup a fan profile for the GTX 680. I also went into the BIOS and made sure that the speed control for my chassis fans are setup to handle heat load that are greater than standard (Turbo!). The downside is the system is much louder now but the upside is I no longer have CTD in Dragon Bridge or anywhere else. after hours of play. I prefer to play with my noise cancellation headphones on so the noise is not a problem anyway.