Two things I wanted to mention about this great game..
There are easy load-outs and there are harder, sure this is nothing new. However, there is a ton a players criticizing the load-outs that players choose to use. This is BS. Servers can make rules about certain things but if it's not a rule, let the guy play the game he/she paid for the way they want to. No one cares if you think its for noobs so stop wasting time typing, and start helping your team win, even if that means using the same thing.
Vote-kicking- IMO this is the biggest cheat this game faces. Vote-kicking the other teams best player just to win is outrageous. Even worse when a player makes up a lie like 'your breaking some server rule' just to get everyone to push f1. Is this not as bad as using a hack?
Anyways, I have no idea why enemy teams can start a vote-kick in the first place.
One last thing about vote-kicking-
Vote kick initiating should be tracked as well as voting. These stats should be listed on each players page so that server admins can see exactly who is abusing the system.
See you guys on the BF-
Check out Optimus-Gaming youtube