Was funny, I isolated a CTD on waiting to after speaking with Glarthir, so I just killed him first and joined the Dark Brotherhood. His final words were "Pssst, Over Here!"
Was funny, I isolated a CTD on waiting to after speaking with Glarthir, so I just killed him first and joined the Dark Brotherhood. His final words were "Pssst, Over Here!"
I was trying to do the quest but after reporting to him the first time and waiting 24 hours my game crashed. I tried a do-over but same thing, CTD, I tried moving into the chapel and waiting, CTD too. I went back to before I spoke with him and it's fine, no CTD on waiting. So I was planning to join the Dark Brotherhood since I've never finished that questline. I just killed him, unfortunately the first time I did I shot an arrow from stealth and there was no infamy so I had to really press him (before he went friendly again, he is insane, if you don't kill him quickly he will stop fighting and talk to you about his suspicions.)
And I ended up paying 1k in fines, but the penalty for causing a CTD is death, in my book.
So I rescue Erthor and go back to the Skingrad guild and decide to rest there. Lucien Lachance shows up all spooky and as I finish talking to him Adrienne Berene walks in! She looks at Lucien Lachance then she looks at me, then she walks over to the other side of the bed not really caring either way. Typical mage. I imagine if she had a line it would be "You wont let this interfere with your guild duties"