Not sure how much Magika I need

Post » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:20 am

I just started playing Skyrim on PS3 not long ago, this is my 1st character.

I'm using sword and shield (regular build), dual swords (for dps) and heavy armor. I have most of my perks invested in the previous + pickpocketing, speech and restoration. My stats are 410 Health, 260 Stamina and 100 Magika unbuffed. I recently started lvling up my Restoration tree because I found it fun/useful to kite around with the shield up and heal back up while getting some stamina back at the same time. It also saves my pots cuz I don't do alchemy.

Anyways I'm lvl48 now and I'm starting to think maybe I need more Magika to make my build more viable. Atm I use up ALL of my Magika to fully heal myself with the 1st healing spell that you get :x, which also takes a while because of my high Health and the spell's low lvl. I want to be able to use the expert and master healing spells soon but I realize they cost a lot of Magika. Is it worth investing my points in Magika? If so, how much Health:Magika ratio do I need?

I also decided to keep my stamina at 260 since you can use power attacks even if you have 1 stamina (giving power attacks a small cooldown when you run out of stamina which isn't so bad). I could also heal my stamina when healing my HP with Resto tree so that's another reason why I'm trying to adopt this build.

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:39 pm

You can level Enchanting to make Restoration cost nothing.

That's what I did with my character. 380 Health, 300 Stamina, and 100 Magicka. My character invested in Alchemy do it was much easier. I never invested in Magicka with this character.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:40 pm

Why beth why didn't you put in a guy who enchants your stuff for you? Like neloth even though he isn't the type of person who would perform something like that for just anybody.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:31 pm

My thoughts exactly. Also should have been someone who would smith specific items for you, at a premium price of course. This would make it so you didn't have to level up smithing and enchanting to have a decent set of weapons and armor.
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John N
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:33 am

I don't know why this wasn't a given? Most likely because of that 11 11 11 Dateline? One can only wonder what could have been in skyrim if they waited a year.
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:18 pm

It's one of my biggest grimes with BGS, their rushed deadlines that cut content from games.
Idk if you are framiar with Fallot New Vegas but they did the same thing to Obsidian (people who made NV) they gave them a deadline which was incredibly short which resulted in major content loss including making the Legion look like comic book villains which was not the original plan.
Thy need to seriously reconsider their stupid deadlines which they I pose on themselves.
Also, I bought the strategy guide when Skyrim first came out and in there it said that you could craft arrows. Obviously that was another piece they d used to cut then made people pay to be able to use a function which was supposed to be In vanilla version.

I can only imagine the list of content that was cut.
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:09 pm

To bad they don't have a steam like thing going on like valve does that way they don't have to make games for as there main way to make income. That way they can take there time with all there games.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:59 pm

You do not need magicka. You need enchantments. And alchemy. First, make yourself some fortify enchantment potions. Then enchant your gear with fortify restoration. I use grand healing for something like 10 magicka, and cast greater ward for 2 magicka per second. If you're sword and shield mostly do health, and then stamina enchantments too.

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