In the game you don't only battle against nanosuites, you battle against votekicks. People keep making votes trying get the mvp out of the game, claiming them for hacks all the time. I don't know how many times this have happend to me but it's alot. (Note that I don't use **** weapons, I only use fy71, grendel (no laser included) or marshall).
Whole matches can be filled with votekicks, as soon as the first vote is over the next one starts. Some people dosn't even give any reason why they votekick someone. Ofc many of these votes is against people using op weapons or breaking server rules which leads to my other complain.
There is no honor in crysis 3. People noobtube with jaws, using hipfire laser only, running around with poles and the list goes on. I guess this is cryteks fault for making these unbalances advantages. Crytek really went full cod on crysis 3. It started with crysis 2 but it's was not untill the c3 it had all the bulls*** elements just like cod. (Sorry for comparing it to it). Just look at the swarmer, it's basically a at least 3 free kills. Heck! With max armor you are 99% bulletproof, on ctf you can cap the relay and the enemy can't even do a thing about it.
And don't let me get started on the chat system... it's the same since crysis 2 and is still as awful in cry... woaah.. now i'm really getting off-topic here... when I think about it I might have just been playing this game a little too much this summer. Maybe the community isn't bad after all, maybe it's just me?!?!
I'm not sure if this leads to any discussion but at least I got all that hate out of me now I think, and sorry for my english as i'm swedish fyi.