Are there going to be more updates or was the patching of the Oghma Infinium the last update? I really want them to add the option to rename your character when you go to the plastic surgeon at The Ragged Flagon if you have Dawnguard installed to literally rearrange your face. Some people, like me, regret using a name you chose and you don't feel like making a new save just to change your name.
So I'll be putting up a poll just for that if you want Bethesda to add a name changer in Dawnguard when you change your appearance. I don't see why they can't add it since they made the Oghma Infinium readable only once now, Ungrien, the Bosmer at the Black Briar Meadery can't only be bribed/persuaded once, ect. So also, feel free to post any thoughts on this as well.