I've done a search and I don't quite understand why my npc won't use my destruction spell.
Things I've done/checked:
-Combat style is csHumanMagic
-Class's tried spellsword, nightblade, sorcerer
-Set the AI data to 50/80/100 with 1 second delay time
-Default packages
-Uses spells such as lefthandFlames, healing(removed these so there's only one magic option)
It has to be the spell, but the spell is just a duplicate of FireFFAimed magic effect with a few visuals and projectile changes(and the ai data). I put the spell onto my PC and he used it just fine without any problems.
I even tested out making it spell cost low, making it left handed only, making it OP but the npc keeps using the sword. He's supposed to be a 'spellsword' but currently he's just 'sword'.
Is there something I missed or overlooked?