Hi all,
(im french and so apologize for any English errors!)
(Main questions)
Ive never used the creation kit being fairly new to the game and i would like to know if it was possible for me to edit Selene Kate follower mod (using any mod that change the body i have installed) in 2 simple ways:
1) Changing her head: eyes, eye colors, hairs etc
2) And her skin color.
-Better Females by Bella by BellaGail
-ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
-The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot
Selene Kate by Kasprutz and Hello Santa (follower using FNIS)
The link currently is hidding the file due to copyright issue but will hopefully get re-upload in the futur.
(Optional wondering)
Possibly duplicate her in another NPC with the same running script as for FNIS but different aesthetical look / Combatstyle and perks.
Im thinking about starting with an already made follower since it would will be quicker than from scratchs, and simplier not having to learn about FNIS.
I admit im abit chicken lol, i could try on other follower i got like Aurora or Lara Croft but i realy dont want to mess the game, have spend alot of time uploading mods and fixing crashs, and have a very limited playtime.
Then if thoses changes are possible, how so?